Discover new data flow
for your business
Experience seamless business integrations and powerful insights with our cutting-edge IoT Services.
Embrace Innovation

Unlike any tool you used before

Discover a new level of data analysis with our innovative and user-friendly platform. Transform your business needs with actionable insights.

  • Real-time data visualization
  • Advanced predictive analytics
  • Seamless integration with APIs
Make Data-Driven Decisions

IoT Monitoring made seamless

Experience IoT monitoring like never before. With our user-friendly interface, track and oversee data anomalies effortlessly. Stay proactive, anticipate challenges, and refine your IoT operations

  • Real-time Data Syncing
  • Efficient Workflow Integration
  • Customizable notifications
People like you love IoTechCrafts
"IoTechCrafts's Telemetry transformed our racing car performance. The robust analytics not only streamlined our tuning processes but empowered us with data-driven strategies that gave us the edge on the track. It's more than just a tool; it's our pit crew's secret weapon."
Mateusz Bogdanow
ERC Rally Team
"Our modest greenhouse was a blend of tradition and ambition. We wanted to modernize without losing our roots. That's when we discovered IoTechCrafts's automation solutions. Their systems seamlessly integrated with our greenhouse, optimizing irrigation based on real-time weather data, automating temperature controls for optimal plant growth, and even predicting harvest times."
Barbara Seal
Head of Farming Innovations
"When we decided to integrate IoT into our restaurant operations, we were initially overwhelmed. IoTechCrafts solutions transformed our dining experience. From smart kitchen appliances that ensure perfect dish preparation every time to real-time table management systems that enhance guest satisfaction, the results have been phenomenal."
John Watkins
Business Owner
Accelerate Your Success

Build & Launch without problems

For your IoT needs, our services streamline the initiation of data-centric projects. Elevate efficiency and attain superior outcomes. Enhance your decision making with our sensor based analytics.

Find Your Perfect Fit

Choose your best plan

Select the plan that suits your needs and benefit from our analytics tools.



The perfect way to get started and get used to IoT tools.

  • Detailed Step-by-Step Setup
  • DIY Real-time data visualization
  • Predictive Analytics deployment
Get Started



Unlock more features and elevate your data analysis.

  • Detailed Step-by-Step Setup
  • Real-time data visualization
  • Advanced predictive analytics
  • Personalized consulting session
Get Started



Experience the full power of our IoT Offering

  • Detailed Step-by-Step Setup
  • Real-time data visualization
  • Advanced predictive analytics
  • Personalized consulting session
  • Cloud Setup & Integration
Get Started

Trusted brands

all over the world

Have any questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I upgrade or downgrade my plan at any time?

Yes, you can easily upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time. Simply navigate to the account settings in your dashboard and choose the desired plan. The changes will be reflected immediately, and any adjustments in pricing will be applied on your next billing cycle. Our support team is more than happy to provide guidance and recommendations.

How to claim your 25% discount offer?

The first 5 Beginner plans that are sold each month have the disccount applied. The discount will be applied automatically to your purchase.

What's your refund policy?

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on all our plans. If you're not satisfied with our product, simply contact our support team within 30 days of purchase for a full refund.

How to get support for the product?

Our dedicated support team is here to help. You can reach out to us through the contact form on our website, send an email, or engage with us via live chat. We'll be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.